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An Introduction to Geophysical and Geotechnical Survey for the Offshore Wind Farm Development – Planning, Data Acquisition, and Challenges in Taiwan (Geotechnical; 2022.01.07)


CEB Evacuation & Fire Drill Notice on Dec. 20

(Chinese version follows the English one.)  The Civil Engineering Building (CEB) fire drill will be held from 12:15 pm on December 20, 2021 (Monday), for approximately […]

2021/2022 International Student Gathering

Dear international students and professors, You are invited to the 2021/2022 International Student Gathering. Time: Tuesday, December 14, 2021, from 12:30 to 14:00 Venue: 7th Floor, NCREE Building (National […]

NTUCE 2022-2023 Study Abroad Info Session (2021.11.23)

If you are interested in going abroad as an exchange student or if you are thinking of pursuing a dual/joint degree from our partner university, please join us […]