

An Introduction to Geophysical and Geotechnical Survey for the Offshore Wind Farm Development – Planning, Data Acquisition, and Challenges in Taiwan (Geotechnical; 2022.01.07)


Seminar & UCSD 3+2 Dual Degree Program Info Session (2021/2022)

Professor and Vice Chair of the UC San Diego Department of Structural Engineering, Dr. Ken LOH, will be hosting a Seminar & 3+2 UC San Diego Dual Degree Info Session on […]

Optical Fibre Sensors on Structural Monitoring (Structural, Dec. 3, 2020)

Host by Prof. Kuo-Chun CHANG & Prof. Yin-Wen CHAN (張國鎮教授、詹穎雯教授), Division of Structural Engineering Title: Optical Fibre Sensors on Structural Monitoring Speaker: 袁宇秉教授 Terry Y.P. YUEN […]

Multi-Scale Research on Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Materials and Structures (Structural, Nov. 26, 2020)

Host by Prof. Kuo-Chun CHANG & Prof. Yin-Wen CHAN (張國鎮教授、詹穎雯教授), Division of Structural Engineering Title: Multi-Scale Research on Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Cement- Based Materials and Structures Speaker: […]