Dual/Joint Degree Programs

Types of Programs

Same-Study-Level Degree Program

International Dual/Joint Degree Programs, whether at the university-level, college-level, or department-level, are mutually cooperated with partner universities that agree to send degree-seeking students abroad and receive degree-seeking students from partner universities bilaterally and allow enrolled students to achieve two (2) university degrees within the study period for the approved degree.

Students studying at their home institution for at least one (1) semester are eligible to apply for the program. Upon successful completion of the curriculum requirements of both institutions, students will be conferred with two (2) diplomas simultaneously.

3+2 Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program

Bachelor students who wish to join the 3+2 Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program will study at NTU for 3 years and do the 4th year abroad. After fulfilling NTU’s graduation requirements, the student will get NTU’s bachelor diploma to continue with the 2nd year study abroad. Upon fulfilling the partner university’s Master’s degree graduation requirements, the student will get a Master’s diploma from that university.

Programs Available

Degree(s) Acquired Continent Country/Area Institutions Study Period
(blue at NTU; red at Host U)
1 Dual Ph.D. Oceania Australia 科廷大學 人文學院居住環境學系
School of Built Environment,
Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University, Australia
By individual contract
2 Asia Hong Kong 香港城市大學 建築學及土木工程學系
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, HK SAR
By individual contract
3 Dual Master’s Asia Japan 九州大學 工學院土木及結構工程學系
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
4 Asia Thailand 朱拉隆功大學土木系
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
5 Asia Vietnam 胡志明市百科大學 土木工程系
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
6 Joint Master’s Asia Vietnam 河內土木工程大學
Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam
(Formerly, National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam)
7 Bachelor + Master’s America USA 加州大學聖地牙哥分校 結構工程學系
Department of Structural Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California San Diego, USA
8 Oceania Australia 新南威爾斯大學 Pathway Program
Pathway Program, University of New South Wales, Australia
9 Joint Bachelor Asia Hong Kong 香港城市大學 建築學及土木工程學系
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, HK SAR

Application Documents

The following documents are generally required by Partner Universities (in English):

  1. Full Transcripts
  2. Certificate of the English Proficiency
  3. Photocopy of the Passport
  4. Curriculum Vitae
  5. Personal Statement (~1000 works)
  6. Study Plan in both universities
  7. Only for graduate students: Advisor’s Recommendation Letter
  8. 歷年修課檢視表或應屆畢業生成績審核表 (in the Chinese version of MyNTU System) Checklist of countable acquired credits toward Graduation
  9. Additional Documents

Contact Person

Ya-Cih (Evey) LIU (Ms.)
International Affairs Coordinator
National Taiwan University
Department of Civil Engineering
TEL: +886-2-3366-4280
Email: yacihliu@ntu.edu.tw

Department of Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University

Tel: +886-2-33664250
Fax: +886-2-23631558
Add.: Room 205, Civil Engineering Department Building
……..No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106216 Taiwan