Admission FAQ

Admission FAQ: International Degree Students

General Information

  1. Check if you are eligible to apply to NTU as an International Degree Student at
  2. All International applicants who wish to pursue degree studies at NTU should apply through the Office of International Affairs (OIA). Please visit Overseas Student Admissions website for eligibility, application requirements, scholarship information, application guidelines, and so on at
  3. Application portal for the Second Round of 2023 September Entry Application System can be found at the following websites:
  4. “Admission Guidelines for International Degree Students” answers most of your questions on application fee, diploma, recommendation letters, financial statement, etc. Please read it before asking admission questions.
  5. For general admission queries, such as the online application system, application fees, academic transcripts, and so on, please read the Admission Guidelines first. If answers to your questions could not be found in the Guidelines, feel free to contact the Office of International Affairs at
  6. For specific questions about the Department of Civil Engineering, undergraduate applicants, please contact Ms. Tzu-Yu (Nina) CHEN at; graduate applicants, please contact Ms. Ya-Cih (Evey) LIU at
  7. To get a broad view of the Department of Civil Engineering, please visit our English website at
  8. NTU takes international Ph.D. students in both Spring and Fall semesters; some Master’s programs are open for application in both Spring and Fall semesters; undergraduate students can only apply for the Fall semester intake.
  9. Please keep in mind that scholarships are always merit-based, limited, and competitive. Being offered the admission does not guarantee that a scholarship would be granted from NTU as well.

Undergraduate Applicants

  1. NTUCE offers 2 undergraduate programs. Both of their study content and graduation requirements are the same. The only difference between them is the medium of instruction: one is in Chinese and the other in English.
  2. Language Requirements:

    There are 2 sets of language requirements listed on the Requirements page. One is required by NTU; the other is required by the Department of Civil Engineering.

    For our Department, we would like our students to provide a valid Certificate of English Proficiency if you are not from an English-speaking country or your previous degree was not taken from an English-speaking country.

    If you can only provide proof issued by your high school, we might have to verify your language ability before making a decision. Thus, you are free to attach the proof issued by your high school but encouraged to submit a Certificate of English Proficiency.

    If the language that you use more fluently is English, please apply to the English-Taught Program.

  3. No transfer option is available for international degree students. If you wish to pursue studies at NTU, please apply for undergraduate admission. Once admitted, file the application for course exemption. Only courses that match or fulfill our curriculum requirements would be accepted.
  4. SAT score is not required by our Department, but you are free to upload any documents you deem suitable.

Graduate Applicants

  1. The information for all Graduate Divisions in Civil Engineering could be found at
  2. You are encouraged to visit our English website, contact the professor(s) whose fields of study suit your interest or your needs. Once you introduce yourself to the tentative advisor(s) and tell him/her/them about your fields of interests or proposal, they might inspire you in some way, and that may give you a more concrete picture of what to aim for in your future studies. Link of the Department of Civil Engineering at NTU:
  3. We do not have fixed restrictions for applicants to apply to certain divisions/programs. However, you might want to contact the professor(s) to see if you have enough prerequisites to study in that particular Program.
  4. The department will review the application only after applicants have successfully filed the application, and the admission decision will be made collectively and not by an individual professor.
  5. Ph.D. applicants should submit an e-copy of their thesis. If you are a current Master student who is still working on your thesis, please submit your thesis proposal or abstract, as you see fit.


  1. OIA Website Information:
  2. There are at least 2 types of scholarships that you may apply: Government Scholarships and NTU Scholarships. You can apply for as many scholarships as possible and decide on which one to take before entering the University. Please note, Government Scholarships and University Admission are of different applications.
  3. Government Scholarships
    To apply for government scholarships, please contact the ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad (TECO Office) before making an application.

    (1) Taiwan Scholarship Program

    (for all international students)

    Taiwan Scholarship is a collective government scholarship provided by different government agencies. In order to clarify the terms and conditions of the Scholarship, please consult the TECO office to know which government agency will provide the Scholarship to people of your country/area.

    Since every TECO Office has its application deadline and selection rules, please contact the Taipei Representative Office (or sometimes called “TECO Office”) in your country or area by making a phone call or sending an email before you officially file an application. You are also welcome to visit the Scholarship information on NTU OIA’s website at

    (2) Elite Scholarship Program

    (for current lecturers from South & Southeast Asian and African countries to pursue graduate studies in Taiwan)

    Each year, Elite scholarship application to CE Department begins in late September / early October & closes in late October / early November to match with the following year’s September admission (Fall semester). The Elite scholarship is not open to students admitted to the Spring semester.

    Please contact the department/graduate institute you are interested in before you submit your admission application. NTU will nominate all qualified degree applicants to MOE for further selection.

    For more details, please visit OIA’s website at (select “Graduate” tab)

    (3) TaiwanICDF Scholarship

    (NOT for CE students)

    TaiwanICDF offers scholarship only to cooperating programs in partner universities. NTU Civil Engineering is NOT part of the programs. Detailed information could be found at


  4. NTU Scholarships Application:
    You will be automatically included in the University scholarships’ applicants list simply by ticking some boxes in the application form.


The University only provides accommodation for students and not for the whole family. The following page has information for international student accommodation:

Admission FAQ: International Undergraduate Student Transfer Application

Transfer Admission Information

  1. Eligibility, available transfer programs, credit transfer, application deadlines, required documents, and more information could be found at
  2. For specific questions about the Department of Civil Engineering, please contact Ms. Tzu-Yu (Nina) CHEN at

Department of Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University

Tel: +886-2-33664250
Fax: +886-2-23631558
Add.: Room 205, Civil Engineering Department Building
……..No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106216 Taiwan