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Visual and Virtual Production Management and Infrastructure Inspection (Structural, Nov. 5)

Host by Prof. Kuo-Chun CHANG & Prof. Yin-Wen CHAN (張國鎮教授、詹穎雯教授), Division of Structural Engineering Title: Visual and Virtual Production Management and Infrastructure Inspection Speaker: 林之謙教授 Prof. […]

Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Studies and Civil Engineering (Surveying & Geospatial, Nov. 3, 2020)

Host by Prof. Jen-Jer JAW (趙鍵哲副教授), Division of Surveying & Geospatial Engineering Title: Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Studies and Civil Engineering Speaker: […]

2021-2022 NTU Civil Engineering Outgoing Student Exchange Program Guidelines

Should you wish to apply for the exchange program please follow the application timetable. For more information please refer to the attachments below. 2021-2022 NTUCE Outgoing […]

NTUCE 2021-2022 Study Abroad Info Session (November 4, 2020)

Dear all, If you are interested in going abroad as an exchange student or you are thinking of pursuing dual degree from an International University, please join us […]