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【Buddy Program Invitation】 Watch Movie and Know more about Taiwan! (November 27, 2020)

(Chinese version follows the English one. 中文版在英文版之後。) Hello everyone! We are the students who are taking the class “Student Service Education 3” (Buddy Program). Next week, […]

【Buddy Program Invitation 2】 玉來玉愛你!(Yu Lai Yu Ai Ni)

(Chinese Version follows the English one. 中文版在英文版之後。) CE Buddy Program Group 2 Event: 玉來玉愛你!(Yu Lai Yu Ai Ni) Date: 2020/11/24 (Tue) Time: 19:00~21:00 Place: Classroom 320, Department […]

Optical Fibre Sensors on Structural Monitoring (Structural, Dec. 3, 2020)

Host by Prof. Kuo-Chun CHANG & Prof. Yin-Wen CHAN (張國鎮教授、詹穎雯教授), Division of Structural Engineering Title: Optical Fibre Sensors on Structural Monitoring Speaker: 袁宇秉教授 Terry Y.P. YUEN […]

Multi-Scale Research on Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Materials and Structures (Structural, Nov. 26, 2020)

Host by Prof. Kuo-Chun CHANG & Prof. Yin-Wen CHAN (張國鎮教授、詹穎雯教授), Division of Structural Engineering Title: Multi-Scale Research on Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Cement- Based Materials and Structures Speaker: […]