Exchange Student Programs

Student Exchange Program Overview

The Exchange Student Program is established on an equal and mutual-beneficial principle. Signed agreements with our partner universities provide both outgoing and incoming short-term/non-degree-seeking learning opportunities. Students can study and be immersed as full-time students at one of our partner universities for one semester or one academic year. The credits acquired are mutually acknowledged, demonstrating a real exchange between students from both universities.

Those who wish to participate in the Department of Civil Engineering Student Exchange Programs must go through the Student Exchange Internal Screening Process to be nominated by our Department. Then, students must submit application materials to partner universities for further screening.

There are other exchange programs hosted in the university/college-level, and the screening process of which runs separately. For more information, please contact the Office of International Affairs and the respective college office directly.

Office of International Affairs. National Taiwan U, Accessed 12 Sept. 2023

NTUCE Exchange Partner Universities

Exchange Quota: B for Bachelor’s, M for Master’s, D for PhD students

No. Country/
University/College/Department Exchange Quota

Continent: Asia

1. Mainland
College of Civil Engineering
Tongji University
1. B + M: total of 5
2. D: 3
2. College of Transportation Engineering
Tongji University
B + M + D: total of 3
3. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Zhejiang University
1. B + M: total of 4
2. D: 2
4. School of Construction Management and Real Estate
Chongqing University
1. B + M: total of 4
2. D: 2
5. Hong Kong Department of Building and Real Estate
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
B: 6
6. Vietnam Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

(Previously National University of Civil Engineering)

B + M + D: total of 5
7. Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
B + M + D: total of 2
8. Thailand Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
B + M + D: total of 3
9. Department of Civil Technology Education, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
B + M + D: total of 3
10. Indonesia Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung
B + M + D: total of 2
11. Russia Moscow Institute of Architecture MARKHI B + M + D: total of 2
12. India Department of Earthquake Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

M + D: total of 2

Continent: America

13. United States School of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

B: 1

Continent: Europe

14. Germany Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW)
B + M + D: total of 2
15. Netherlands School of Built Environment
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS)
B + M + D: total of 3
16. Belgium Faculty of Applied Science

Université de Liège

B + M: total of 2

For university-level & college-level exchange student programs, please visit our NTUOIA & NTUCoE websites.

NTUCE Outgoing Student Exchange Program

2. NTUCE Outgoing Student Exchange Program
Exchanging in 2025-2026 Academic Year (Semester: 2024 Fall, 2025 Spring)

2025-2026 Exchange Program Application Timetable
Event Date/Time Notes
Application Guidelines Announcement Early October, 2024 Department of Civil Engineering website, email
Information Session November 08, 2024


Department of Civil Engineering Building (CEB), 2nd Floor, Room 220. Please sign-up at by noon, Nov 7, 2024.
Application Fee Payment Slip Email request from announcement of guidelines till November 14, 2024 (by 11:00) Email your name & NTU student ID no. to <> in advance for the Application Fee payment slip & pick up from CEB Rm 205. Complete payment at the Cashier Division and upload the receipt online [Apply].
Application Submission From announcement of guidelines till November 14, 2024

(by 16:00)

Online [Apply]
Notification of Acceptance December 12, 2024

(by 16:00)

The acceptance list and waitlist will be posted on the Department of Civil Engineering website. The International Affairs Coordinator will also email students on the acceptance list.
Program Management Fee Payment Slip Email request by December 19, 2024

(by 11:00)

Email your name & NTU student ID no. to <> in advance for the Program Management Fee payment slip & pick it up from CEB Rm 205. Complete payment at the Cashier Division, upload the receipt and the consent form online [Accept Placement].
Confirmation of Acceptance December 19, 2024

(by 16:00)

Students who do not reply and confirm acceptance via email, and submit the Program Management Fee receipt and consent form to online [Accept Placement] by the deadline will forfeit their right to participate in the exchange program. The opportunity will be given to students on the waitlist.
Notification of Acceptance for Alternates December 20 to 27, 2024

(by 16:00)

The International Affairs Coordinator will email students according to their order on the waitlist. Students who do not reply and confirm acceptance by the deadline will forfeit their right to participate in the exchange program.
Program Management Fee Payment Slip for Alternates Email request by January 03, 2025

(by 11:00)

Email your name & NTU student ID no. to <> in advance for the Program Management Fee payment slip & pick it up from CEB Rm 205. Complete payment at the Cashier Division and upload the receipt and the consent form online [Accept Placement].
Confirmation of Acceptance for Alternates January 03, 2025

(by 16:00)

Students who missed the acceptance confirmation deadline or failed to submit the Program Management Fee receipt and the consent form to online [Accept Placement] by the deadline will forfeit their right to participate in the exchange program.

5. NTU Office of International Affairs Information
NTUOIA Home > NTU Study Abroad > Exchange Program

  • 常見問答 (Available only in Chinese.)
  • Pre-Departure (Handbook/ NTU Study Abroad Student Dormitory Reservation/ Conscription Regulations for Draftees)

6. Reminders for (Dept-level) Exchange Student

  1. Application Documents for Graduate Students:
    • Before Departure:
      If student has passed the degree oral examination and is going for exchange in the following semester, they must complete the「已通過學位考試本學期不畢業申請書」within the semester when the oral exam was held.
    • Before Returning:
      During the final exchange semester, student must go to myNTU > [Steps for Application to Leave School] > [Apply for Degree Examination] > complete the「已通過學位考試本學期將畢業申請書」. Those who miss the deadline must pay tuition and fees.
    • NTU Document Completion Deadlines:
      First semester by January 31; Second semester by July 31.
  1. Update Academic Records & Submit Study Abroad Reflection Essay (All Students)
    • Deadline: Within two months after students return to Taiwan
    • To initiate the process, enter info into system: myNTU (Chinese website) >【學生專區】>【課務資訊】>【交換生國外成績登錄】
    • Then, submit:

(1) Please bring a hard copy* of the following docs to CEB 205 & seek assistance from Ms. Nina Chen:

        • a) Original English transcript (please indicate student ID & name)
        • b) If the course is to be counted as graduation credit:
          – Please provide the course syllabus & total number of instructional hours
          – Graduating students must complete the credit transfer process within the first week of the next semester. Those who miss the deadline will need to register and pay tuition and fees.
          *Note: All application materials will not be returned.

(2) Please send the following electronic files to Ms. Rachel Oh

        • a) English transcript
        • b) Study abroad reflection essay#
          #Note: Upon submission of the student’s Study Abroad Reflection Essay, the student granted permission to NTUCE for public disclosure.

NTUCE Incoming Student Exchange Program

2.NTUCE Incoming Student Exchange Program
Exchanging in 2024-2025 Academic Year (Semester: 2024 Fall, 2025 Spring)


Contact Person

Ms. Rachel OH
International Affairs Coordinator

Department of Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University

Tel: +886-2-33664250
Fax: +886-2-23631558
Add.: Room 205, Civil Engineering Department Building
……..No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106216 Taiwan