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Quarantine Fund from the Department of Civil Engineering, NTU

Dear newly admitted Civil Engineering international and Overseas students, We know this global pandemic makes application for a VISA and purchase of a flight ticket difficult. Some of you are even pondering on whether or […]

Polytechnique Montréal’s “2021 Winter Research Internship Scholarship Program” is now open for application!

1. Eligibility: Graduate students of Year 2 and above 2. Program Duration: Minimum of 4 months, internship should begin from January to March 2021 3. Financial […]

2020 Engineering Training Camp for Overseas Students” held by the Sinotech Group

Attached please find the “2020 Engineering Training Camp for Overseas Students” held by the Sinotech Group, in English, for ASEAN and South Asian students, free of […]

【Scholarship】CDG Engineering Scholarship from Su Development

CDG Engineering Scholarship is offered by Mr. and Mrs. SU (alumna of NTU’s Dept. of Economics) to encourage NTU graduates to continue their Master’s studies in […]