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Application for the Qualifying Examination in Ph.D. Program in the Department of Civil Engineering, 2020/2021 1st Semester

Application Date: From now until6 November 2020, Friday 12:00 noon.Please attach (a) application form (b) a research proposal when applying. Date for Written Exam:4 December 2020, Friday (for […]

Academic Year 2021 Spring Semester Application of Direct Ph.D. Program for Master students

Application Period: From September 30 to October 7 Application Eligibility: Students who have studied in the Master Program for 1 semester or more, after being recommended by […]

To new int’l students of the Fall 2020 intake 致109學年度第一學期國際學位生新生

國際新生們 好: Dear new international students, 以下幾個公告,請各位務必注意: Please pay attention to the following announcements: 大學部選課:請見助教信件,記得加簽。 Undergraduate course selection: Please read your TA’s email carefully and add your courses accordingly. […]

Measures for CE undergraduate freshmen who would start the semester in a later date