The Department of Civil Engineering at the National Taiwan University invites tenure-track faculty applications in support of the department’s current focus areas. Multiple positions are available. Hiring at the Assistant Professor level is preferred, but exceptional candidates with commensurate experience and a proven track record will be considered for the Associate or Full Professor ranks. Applicants with interdisciplinary research experience and expertise are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants are also expected to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in English. The expected start date is August 1st, 2025.
An earned Ph.D. in civil engineering or relevant field is required. We are seeking candidates with research focus in the following fields.
A complete application should include the following information.
Applications should be submitted through e-mail to Dr. Louis Ge, Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University at and cc Mr. Yu-Chih Chen (Siraj) at by February 28th, 2025. Applicants without submitting a complete application will not be considered and processed.