Application deadline for UCSD’s 3+2 Dual Degree Program is extended to noon, April 15, 2019.
- Junior and senior NTU Civil Engineering students who wish to apply to the sequential bachelor/master’s degree program at UC San Diego, please submit the application form, in person, to Room 209, Civil Engineering Building, by noon, April 15, 2019. If you need somebody else to submit the application materials for you, please fill out the Certificate of Entrustment.
- Those who apply to the Dual/Joint Degree program in this semester will be exempt from paying the application fee of NT 300$.
- Attached please find the PPT slides for the Info Session held on March 13, the UCSD Application Form, and the Certificate of Entrustment.
- Person in charge: Ms. Huai-Yin CHEN, International Affairs Coordinator ( Email: )
委託書 Certificate of Entrustment.docx
Application Form for Dual Degree Program with the Department of Civil Engineering at NTU (Outgoing-UCSD).docx
2019-03-13 3+2 Program Information and Recruitment.pdf