【Forwarded Message】 Pandemic Measures and the Distribution of Rapid Test Kits 調整防疫匡列相關措施及快篩劑發放方式

【Forwarded Message】 Pandemic Measures and the Distribution of Rapid Test Kits 調整防疫匡列相關措施及快篩劑發放方式

Message forwarded from the NTU Epidemic Prevention Team (2022.05.09)
**Chinese version follows English version. 中文版在後。**
In accordance with the latest announcements of Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) and Ministry of Education (MOE), the university updated the pandemic prevention measures as follows, effective from today.

A. Measures for confirmed cases and contacts

1. Confirmed cases with mild or no symptoms: Please take home isolation for seven days and do not come to campus during the seven-day period. For the following seven days, please take self-health management, and coming to campus is allowed.

2. Close contacts (individuals living in the same residence as confirmed cases): Please take home isolation for three days and do not come to campus. In the following four days, please take self-initiated preventive measures and do not come to campus. At the end of the four-day period, close contacts are allowed to come back to campus after testing negative with a rapid test.

3. Individuals taking self-initiated responsive measures, including confirmed cases’ classmates or their colleagues in the same office or workplace (identified through a 3 by 3 grid) and being together with confirmed cases for more than 15 minutes with either party with no mask on two days before testing positive

  • Faculty and students: Please take a three-day epidemic leave starting from the last day of having contact with a confirmed case. Please do not come to campus during the three days. On the next day after the leave, faculty and students can come back to campus once testing negative on a rapid test.
  • Staff: Please work from home for three days starting from the last day of having contact with a confirmed case. Please do not come to campus during this period. On the next day after the leave, staff members can come back to campus once testing negative on a rapid test.

Residential students who are close contacts or taking self-initiated responsive measures, please go home if possible. For international students or those who have difficulty returning home, the university will consider arranging temporary accommodation. If the other roommates have returned home, the residential students who are close contacts or taking self-initiated responsive measures can stay in the dormitory room, using a private bathroom only.

B. Measures of the distribution of free rapid test kits

1. Close contact of confirmed cases on NTU campus:
1. (1) April 29 to May 7: One rapid test kit per person.
1. (2) Staring from May 8: Three rapid test kits per person.

2. Individuals taking self-responsive measures (from May 8): One rapid test kit per person.

3. The distribution measures are as follows.

  • Residential students: Please get the rapid test kits from your resident director. For those who have returned home, the Campus Safety Center will mail the test kits to your residence.
  • Non-residential student: The Campus Safety Center will contact the relatives or friends of the confirmed cases to pick up the test kits on campus. The Campus Safety Center can also mail the test kits over if no one can come to pick them up on campus.
  • Faculty and staff: The Campus Safety Center will contact the affiliated unit and assist with the distribution matters.

The original regulation stated that faculty members who are in the period of self-health management are not allowed to enter the dormitory or participate in courses. According to the updated guidelines issued by the MOE on May 3, the above regulation has been adjusted as follows. Faculty, staff, and students who are in the period of self-health management should abide by the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s announcement of “Self-Health Management Compliance Items and Notice.” Please take personal protection measures while maintaining regular daily activities, including going to class, entering an office, research room, or dormitory.

The school once again reminds all the faculty, staff, and students who are in the period of self-health management that if you do not have any symptoms, you can maintain daily activities. However, please keep your medical mask on and maintain social distancing. Avoid having close contact with people or going to places where social distancing is not possible. Do not engage in close or group activities with others (such as group dining, gatherings, or public gatherings). Do not go to hospitals to accompany the patient. Non-urgent medical care or examinations should be postponed.

If you have suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, or abnormal smell and taste, please wear a medical mask, contact the local health authorities, or dial 1922 to seek medical treatment without taking public transportation. When seeking medical treatment, please report the contact history, travel history, residence history, occupational exposure, and whether other people around you have similar symptoms. Please wear a medical mask after returning home and avoid going out. Individuals tested negative when the isolation or quarantine period expires should take self-health management until the end of the following period.


訊息轉貼自國立臺灣大學防疫小組 (2022.05.09)


(1) 輕症/無症狀確診者:進行7天居家照護(不可到校)及後續7天自主健康管理(可到校)。
(2) 確診者之密切接觸者(同住親友、同寢室友):進行3天居家隔離(不可到校)及後續 4天自主防疫(不可到校),期滿應快篩陰性後始得返回校園。
(3) 自主應變對象(同職場九宮格範圍、與同班同學),且與確診個案在前2日有任一方摘下口罩15分鐘以上的課程、社團、及共同活動:

  • 教師、學生:自最後接觸日(第0天)起實施3天防疫假(不可到校),期滿應快篩陰性後始得返回校園。
  • 職員:自最後接觸日(第0天)起實施3天居家辦公(不可到校),期滿應快篩陰性後始得返回校園。



(1) 4月29日至5月7日,校內確診者之校內密切接觸者:每人一劑。
(2) 5月8日以後,校內確診者之校內密切接觸者:每人三劑。
(3) 5月8日以後,校內確診者之校內自主應變對象,且與確診個案在前2日有任一方摘下口罩15分鐘以上的課程、社團、及共同活動:每人一劑。
(4) 領取方式如下:

  • 住宿生:請向宿舍輔導員領取;已返家未領取者,由校安中心宅配寄送。
  • 非住宿生:由校安中心聯繫當事人安排親友來校領取;親友無法領取者,由校安中心宅配寄送。
  • 教職員工:由校安中心聯繫所屬單位領取並協助轉發。




Published Date : 2022-05-09