【Message Forwarded from the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division 教務處註冊處公告】
(Chinese version follows the English one. 中文版在英文版之後。)
Dear students,
(Disregard this letter if you are EMBA, PMBA, PMLBA or PMBM students or those who plan to take a leave of absence, drop out, or have received approval from NTU to study abroad.)
The course catalog for Fall Semester 2022/2023AY at https://nol.ntu.edu.tw (hereinafter referred to as NOL) has been updated on August 1, and you may register for the desired courses as of August 17 (Wed.).
Here are some important things to keep in mind for the course selection:
- There are two period of times for the Course Pre-Registration:
(1) August 17 ~ August 19, and
(2) August 24 ~ August 25.
During the specified time frames, you are able to register for courses online. The course selection is not conducted on the first-come-first-enroll basis. You need to sign up for desired courses and wait for the placement results.
- You will be more likely to enroll in the courses required by your department if you sign up courses during the Course Pre-Registration period. So, please save the dates and remember to sign up for required and necessary courses.
- You can go to “Course Selection Area” at the website of Office of Academic Affairs to look for more information or documents related to course selection for Fall Semester 2022/2023 AY.
- If you have any question related to course selection, please contact the following offices based on the department/graduate institute/program you belong to:
iii. For undergraduate students on the main campus, please contact Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division.i.
i.ii Tel: (02)3366-2388 ext. 211~222, 224, or 225
iii. For graduate and post-graduate students on the main campus, please contact Graduate Academic Affairs Division.
ii. Tel: (02)3366-2388 ext. 402, 403, 408~412, 415, 416 or 418
iii. For students in the College of Medicine and College of Public Health, please contact Branch Office of
iii. Academic Affairs in the College of Medicine.
iii. Tel: (02)2312-3456 ext. 288024, 288025, or 288027.
iv. For any technical problem related to course selection system, please contact Computer Information Management Division.
iv.Tel: (02)3366-2388 ext. 602~616
iv. For course details (such as time and place), please contact Curriculum Division.
v.iTel: (02)3366-2388 ext. 302~308
1. 初選第一階段(8/17~8/19)及第二階段(8/24~8/25)皆採登記制,並非先搶先贏,於前述期限內皆可選課。
2. 初選階段對於授課對象學系學生保障較多,請同學們務必把握初選兩階段,選齊系上規定必修及必選課程。
3. 選課系統開放期間上線人數極多,進入「臺大課程網」查詢課程會變得較慢或難以進入。請同學們務必在選課系統尚未開放前或選課系統每天暫停開放時段,先登入「臺大課程網」,查詢並加入您「本學期預計要選的課程」。選課系統開放時,於選課系統「匯入預選課程」,輸入科目志願序後進行登記。
◎ 校總區各系學士班修課規定:註冊組
◎ (02)3366-2388轉分機211 ~ 222、224、225
◎ 校總區各系(所)碩博士班修課規定:研教組
◎(02)3366-2388轉分機402、403、408 ~ 412、415、416、418
◎ 醫、公衛學院各系(所)修課規定:醫教分處
◎ 選課系統操作問題:資訊組
◎ 課程、上課時間地點:課務組