
Construction Engineering
and Management

All courses could be conducted in English if a single international student is present.

Course Title Credit(s) Curriculum
CIE8999  博士論文
Dissertation (Ph.D.) 
0 521 D0010 Required Could be conducted in English
CIE7999  碩士論文
Thesis (M.S.)
0 521 M0010 Required Could be conducted in English
CIE7052  工程專案管理
Project Management for Construction
3 521EM5790 Elective Taught in English
CIE7059  營建管理專題討論
Seminar on Construction Management
1 521 M5950 Required
CIE7081  營建管理專案研究
Independent Study on Construction Management
3 521 M6300 Elective For students of NUCE Joint Degree Program, Vietnam
CIE7084  工程與法律
Engineering and Law
3 521 M6330 Elective
CIE7110  學術英文寫作
Academic English Writing
3 521EM6630 Elective Taught in English
CIE7128  計量實證研究方法論
Econometric and Empirical Research Methodology
3 521 M7150 Elective
CIE7054  營建財務
Construction Finance
3 521 M5900 Elective
CIE7175  營建業賽局理論模型
Game Theory Modeling in Construction
3 521 M6810 Elective
CIE7139  高科技廠房設施營建
High Tech Facility Construction Management
3 521 M7270 Elective Taughtd in Chinese, with class materials in English
CIE7145  營建業組織結構與經營管理
Organization Structure and Management of Construction Industry
3 521 M7330 Elective
CIE7066  工程風險管理
Project Risk Management
3 521 M6100 Elective
CIE7192  BIM導入實務與演練
BIM Implementation Practice
3 521 M5160 Elective Priority go to those who have taken “Technology and Application of BIM” or BIM courses in COURSERA.
CIE7197  永續土木工程
Sustainable Civil Engineering
3 521 M5210 Elective For students in the Senior and graduate years of study
BP7051 土地開發與管理
Land Development and Management
3 544 M3410 Elective