2020 蒙特婁理工大學冬季實習計畫開放申請!Polytechnique Montréal’s “2020 Winter Research Internship Scholarship Program” is now open for application.

2020 蒙特婁理工大學冬季實習計畫開放申請!Polytechnique Montréal’s “2020 Winter Research Internship Scholarship Program” is now open for application.

Polytechnique Montréal’s “2020 Winter Research Internship Scholarship Program” is now open for application.

Eligibility: Graduate students of Year 2 and above

Program Duration: Minimum of 4 months, from January and May 2020

Financial Arrangement:

1. Employer Compliance Fee of $230 CAD covered by Polytechnique Montréal.

2. Scholarship of $1500 CAD per month will be offered to one (1) NTU student for a maximum of 4 months.

Application information:



Should you wish to apply for the internship program, please submit digital application documents to Ms. Mina TANG (minatang@ntu.edu.tw) of the College of Engineering by noon, Monday, July 22, 2019. Please specify that you are applying for the 2019 Winter Research Internship Program.

2020 蒙特婁理工大學冬季實習計畫開放申請!



三、若獲該校錄取,蒙大提供Employer Compliance Fee加幣230元。蒙大另針對臺大申請者提供「一名」每月1500加幣獎學金名額(最多補助四個月)。



有意願之申請者請於2019年7月22日(一)12:00前將所有文件以電子檔寄至minatang@ntu.edu.tw 信件主旨請註明:2019 Winter Research Internship Program

Published Date : 2019-07-04